Top 4 Low-Sugar Fruit

For those on diets, sugar is often vilified. Sadly, despite its health benefits, fruit is one of the first foods to go when people decide to reduce carbs or lose weight.

But does it have to be this way?

No! Fruit is an incredible source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, but it has a bad reputation among dieters. Fruits high in sugar should be eaten in moderation when trying to lose weight. Others, however, contain minimal amounts of sugar and are a nutritious addition to any diet. Below is a list of five low sugar fruits that deserve a place in even the strictest of diets.


While not widely known as a fruit, the humble avocado is technically classified in the same family as grapes and watermelons. Avocados contain only one gram of sugar per serving. They are high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, and they contain more potassium per serving than a banana.


Raspberries contain much less sugar than most other berries, making them a great addition to any diet. They’re also very high in fiber and vitamin C. Raspberries clock in at eight grams of fiber per serving – so they’re much less likely to cause a spike in blood sugar. Plus, the extra fiber can help increase the population of good bacteria in the gut. New research has shown that a healthy population of beneficial gut bacteria can contribute to consistent weight loss, so including fiber-rich fruits could help in the battle of the bulge.


While most people only consider cranberries during the holiday season, there’s no reason they should be confined to the Thanksgiving and Christmas tables. Cranberries are a wonderful fruit to include all year – with substantial amounts of antioxidants, vitamin C, dietary fiber and B vitamins. Adding frozen cranberries to smoothies is a great way to reap the benefits of this low sugar fruit – just make sure to avoid drenching them in sugar, as this completely defeats the purpose.


This powerhouse fruit contains just six grams of sugar per serving and boasts five times the vitamin C of an orange. It also contains over 20 vital nutrients that can aid in everything from respiratory health to digestive function. Including this fuzzy fruit in the diet can help lower the likelihood of sickness and can even help prevent cancer and maintain strong bones.

Now that you know what to put into your body, allow a personal trainer to help you get the most out of it. The experienced personal trainers at Titanz Fitness can work with you to not only boost energy levels but shed fat and build muscle. Our Smyrna fitness center is fully equipped to accommodate fitness seekers of a wide variety. Contact us today to schedule a free personal fitness evaluation with a qualified personal trainer.

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