Winter Foods that Will Keep You Hulked Up and Healthy

When the temperatures drop, the likelihood of getting sick rises. No one wants to suffer through the holidays with a stuffy nose and common cold medicines can often leave sufferers groggy and lethargic. To help avoid these unwanted wintery bugs, a simple change in diet may have a profound effect. Here a few foods to include to ward off wintertime sickness.


Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that help bolster the immune system. Since the immune system relies largely on gut health, adding beneficial bacteria to the intestines can have a profound effect on immunity. Daily consumption of foods rich in probiotics will not only help keep colds at bay but will also improve digestion and overall health.


Garlic has long been touted for its antiviral properties. For thousands of years, this flavorful bulb has been used as a cold remedy and tonic. Garlic cloves contain a compound called allicin, which is widely recognized for its antibacterial properties. They also contain calcium and potassium which help to bring the body into a more alkaline state. Since disease cannot thrive in an alkaline environment, these compounds may help to ward off the wintertime sniffles.


As most know, citrus fruits are high in vitamin C. What many may not know, however, is that vitamin C is one the body’s most powerful antioxidants. In fact, most brightly colored fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of the vitamin, making their dietary inclusion critical to help fight off colds.


Salmon is high in Omega 3 fatty acids and is a wonderful addition to the diet at any time of year. Omega 3 fats are responsible for lowering inflammation and boosting the immune system. In fact, the Omega 3 fats found in fatty fish help boost T-cell activation. T-cells fight off unwanted invaders, so keeping them at the ready is crucial to fighting off viruses and infections.

Making certain to include a variety of healthy foods in the diet is critical to provide the body with the tools it needs to function optimally. Healthy fats, lean proteins, and foods rich in vitamins and minerals will aid the body in fighting off invaders. Not only that, but these foods will also help ensure optimum performance and health throughout every season. If you’d like a little extra help staying fit this winter, contact Titanz Fitness! Our personal trainers understand how to combat the elements and help you stay fit. 

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