What is Thick Bar Training?

Thick bar training has recently had a resurgence in popularity. Decades ago, elite lifters employed the technique for maximum results. Today, it is making a comeback in the routines of many weight trainers, from professional athletes and bodybuilders to everyday gym goers. Why are athletes and lifters employing this technique? Thick bar training can help drastically increase strength gains.

How Does Thick Bar Training Work?

One performs thick bar training by using an untraditionally thick barbell. Traditional barbells have a diameter of one inch, while thick bars have a diameter of two to 2.5 inches. Lifters still perform the same exercises, sets, and reps, but use the thick bar in place of the traditional barbell. This technique is especially prevalent in heavy, compound movements such as deadlifts, military presses, bench presses and rows.

Benefits of Thick Bar Training

Those who perform their training with thick bars claim it is far superior to traditional barbell training. Many assert that thick bars assist in greater muscular development and strength due to the necessity for increased grip and forearm strength. The immense grip strength required to manage such bars trains the hands, fingers, and forearms in a drastically different manner than a traditional barbell. Ultimately eliminating the need for additional grip training that many people often neglect.

Surprisingly, many believe that thick bars also reduce the chance of joint injury. This is due in large part to the fact that thick bars distribute weight over the entire hand. This weight distribution recruits more muscles instead of relying significantly on the action of the joints. When you use more muscles to move the weight, growth occurs more quickly. Consequently, muscular imbalances are less likely to develop.

Getting Started With Thick Bars

For those curious about experimenting with thick bar training, it is essential that you employ the help of a knowledgeable spotter. Additionally, we recommend that you reduce the amount of weight loaded on the bar until you establish familiarity with the technique. Once the hands and forearms become accustomed to lifting with the increased diameter, you can gradually increase the lifting weight.

The personal training experts at Titanz Fitness can implement such weight training techniques to help you reach your body’s potential. Our trainers vary in expertise but are all uniquely qualified to help you achieve your fitness goals through optimized training techniques accompanied by detailed nutrition regimens. Contact us to schedule your personal fitness evaluation today!

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