3 Tips for First Time Bodybuilding Competitors

Are you ready to compete in your first bodybuilding competition? First off, congratulations. The dedication required to simply get physically prepared is enough to discourage the most adamant body sculpter. Now that you are in proper physical form, it is time you get mentally prepared for your first competition. If you have been training long enough, you’ve probably been made aware of what you should generally expect from fitness competitions. Aside from that, there are a few things that you should do before you ever apply that spray tan.

Establish Your Purpose

It is crucial that you decide why you are competing. Of course everyone who competes would like to win, but that is a decision that’s out of your hands. Factors such as judges’ preferences and other competitors all come into account when competing. Instead, you should point out your personal goals. What do you wish to gain from this experience? Are you looking to build your brand as a trainer or gauge your progress among fellow competitors?

Once you decide on your purpose, write it down. Remind yourself of your purpose during any stressing or discouraging moments before, during, or after your competition. This can give you the boost you need to keep pursuing your passion.

Hire a Competition Coach

You may want to consider hiring a competition coach leading up to your first competitive event. Often times, this person is a personal trainer who has competed in the past or competes currently and has extensive experience. If you rather hire a competition coach, it helps to do your research. There may be a coach in the area with a history of successfully preparing competitors for competitions. Take the time to ask around and do not just hire the first guy that approaches you in the gym.

Decide on certain training philosophies and styles that you agree with that you would like your coach to have as well. You should also decide whether you would like a satellite coach or one who you’ll be able to meet with regularly. Once you have found one you’re interested in, speak with their past clients. Who you hire as a coach is a big decision and should be approached with caution.

Watch a Local Show

Watching a local show can give you a taste of what to expect at your first bodybuilding competition. Attend the show with your coach; he’ll be able to point out certain things you should do or avoid for the most favorable outcome. If your coach has a history of competing or coaching in the area, he can provide you with inside information on judges and other participators. If you attend the show alone, there is still a lot you can gain.

Speak with the promoter and competitors on what they like and dislike about the organization. It helps to stay afterward to get that one-on-one time with particular individuals. You can also learn by simply watching the show. Make yourself aware of all of the different aspects of the show, the poses struck, how the lighting looks, and other specifics. Take in as much as possible to avoid any surprises at your first competition.

Before you ever sign up for your first competition, you should make sure you are in the best possible physical form. The experienced bodybuilding trainers at Titanz Fitness can help get you there. Our fully equipped Smyrna Fitness Center has all the tools you need to prepare you for your first bodybuilding competition. Contact us today to connect with a Titanz personal trainer.

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